These last two or three weeks have been so busy and stressful, this is the first time I’ve been able to sit down and do something non-productive. I’ve consistently had career fairs or interviews or exams or homework or ONiB preparation or some ARCC event… It’s made me so tired that I’m either working or sleeping (note the lack of eating). Saturday night I slept for 12 hours, went to dance practice at 12:00pm, then went back to sleep 3:00pm-9:00pm!
The TOC was okay. I talked to a lot of companies the first day, including talking to four alumni. I was going to go again for the small window of time I had the second day, but I ended up having a Qualcomm interview during that time.
I wasn’t expecting to have interviews that quickly, so I wasn’t that prepared for the Qualcomm interview Wednesday the 15th… other than asking me about projects on my resume, he asked me to write a tweaked version of the atoi function. The next Tuesday I had my Microsoft and Citadel interviews. I actually studied for these, but I never needed anything I studied! Microsoft was pretty good. The interviewer used to work with processors, trying to improve branch prediction, so he was really interested in the 18-447 processor. I was surprised at the coding question, because it didn’t really require any special knowledge, but I guess it was just to see how I think. Citadel… haha. Let’s just say I know ABSOLUTELY nothing about finance and they’ve already rejected me :P The interviewer kept asking if I read things like the Wall Street Journal, etc. and I was just like …no…
I have a GE interview on Friday and an Exxon interview next week. I’m feeling good after getting five interviews, but honestly… none of them are in locations I want to work and I think I would only want to work at two of the companies. The closest location would be Qualcomm, but it’d most likely be in San Diego… Jack got to choose to go to Santa Clara, but I interviewed with QGov, the division that works with the government, so I’m not sure I’d have that choice if I got the job x.x
I’m just going to have to wait for Cisco to tell me if they’re giving me full-time. Why do they give their offers so late??? >.<
Anyway, on to the Penguins game.
My suitemate won free tickets to the Penguins vs. Blue Jackets game on Saturday (this was the game where all tickets were given away for free), so she took me to see them. We sat really high, but it was right in the middle between the two goals, so the view was good. I did not expect so many fights! There were five fights that resulted in penalties, but there were a few fights that were stopped by the referees early enough not to warrant any penalties. After the very first fight, Letang (#58) took off his helmet and my suitemate was just like, omg so manly… I have to agree :) I mean, look at him (as a side note, when I found this photo online, the filename was sex_hair.jpg):

Penguins won that game… although it was only a pre-season game, so it wasn’t that important. Also, there was a couple sitting beside me that had their baby girl with them. She was adorable – they had her decked out in Penguins clothing, and even a little Penguins hat. They put noise-cancelling headphones on her so that she wouldn’t be too bothered by all the noise; I even saw her fall asleep at one point. So cute!
ONiB meetings are starting up soon – I’m going to set the board application deadline to next Friday, and start meetings the Thursday after that. I’m going to be so busy!
I ramble too much.