We’re still alive!!!

BaconFriedRice has been neglected for a long time.  We’re still using this ugly theme I randomly picked a long time ago, even though I was working on making one over a year ago… Jack hasn’t posted about games or anime, and I haven’t posted about books or worked on anything in my spare time like I used to.

Biggest reason – we have no spare time!  Work is awesome, but we put a lot into it and it takes up almost all of our time.  When I’m free on the weekends I’d rather just sit around doing nothing than work on anything.  I’ve sadly even dropped the things I was doing while I had nothing to do at my previous job – I used to read books all the time, and now my reading has slowed so much that it took me over a year to finish reading Crowdsourcing (don’t even ask when the post about it will be!).  I’ve only finished two other books since then (I Am Jackie Chan and Nine Algorithms That Changed The Future), and I never learn – I start new books without finishing my current ones, and still keep buying more!  One day I’ll get through all the books I have… and one day I’ll post about them all… in the meantime, I’m still keeping track of my books on my Books Trello.

I’ve also stopped working on all the projects I had been working on… and learning the new languages… I have nothing made with Node.js, haven’t even finished one language in Seven Languages in Seven Weeks, have not finished the BaconFriedRice redesign (started May 2012!), stopped playing around with random parallax things… just stopped learning stuff on my own like I used to.  I’m sad and I want to keep working on stuff, but I’m just so tired when I get free time now :(  I need to somehow motivate myself to do things again.

In other random life news… My hair has purple highlights, we are buying a condo that will be completely constructed around December/January… and that’s about it.  My life is boring.  Hopefully you’ll see a post about a book or a project soon.

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