It’s a new year, and the day before work starts again.
All I’ve done today is rest and relax, only leaving the house to go to the gym and pick up some food. Did some Blogilates after I woke up, ate a light lunch while reading Hedy’s Folly, wrote in my planner/journals, watched the Pens @ Flyers game (Fuck the Flyers), worked on the weight average app I’m making for myself, went to the gym, ate dinner, did some cross stitch, did the second day of the YOU-NICORN 30-day workbook, did the second day of the OmStars 30-day yoga challenge, and read a chapter of War and Peace.
Even though I think I’ve always needed it, it hasn’t been until this last year that I’ve really put into a conscious thought and words my need for recharge time. I guess that it’s pretty classical introversion, though I never really connected it together before. When we take vacations, if we’re coming home the day before we go to work, I prefer not to come home too late so that I can just sit around on the couch for at least a few hours doing nothing important. For this long holiday break, even though I’ve had days in the middle to just rest and relax at home, I pre-reserved the last day to just spend at home doing my own thing. Even just going out for dinner takes energy away from me; being around people, even if not talking to them, makes me really tired. Being in very loud and energetic environments is stressful and completely drains me.
In fact, even though I’ve been at my current job for over 5 years and am very comfortable and familiar with what I do and the people around me, so I don’t have the anxiety of finding my place and getting used to people, I come home exhausted just from being around everyone. Jack used to ask me why I just sit around and do nothing so often, and I think it came from that that I gradually had to put it into words that I need to just sit and re-energize. Even if we’re hanging out with friends we like, even if we’re out doing something fun that doesn’t involve interacting with the people surrounding us, just being around the people is a lot for me. I need mini home vacations after actual vacations where I’m continually surrounded by people.
I bought the book Quiet in 2012 but I never got around to reading it. Seems like it should be the next on my list.
Anyway, I decided this post is also a good chance to look back on the cross stitching I’ve done this past year.
- I made this Pusheen for Jack to put on his desk

Made this for some friends getting married

Two sets of friends had babies within 3 days of each other… so I did two of these in a row

Made this as a housewarming gift

Making this now to be a birthday gift